This year, we hope you’ll take a moment to reflect on the things in your life that bring you joy and make you grateful. All of us at MomsGetReal are grateful for the people who have supported us and encouraged us to keep getting real. Today, we’re sharing what we’re grateful for in our own lives with you, and hope you’ll take a moment to do the same.

This year, I am thankful that I had the opportunity to reconnect with my very first best friend from childhood, Rachelle, seeing her for the first time in 30 years. I am grateful to my dear and wonderful friends who ground me when I need it but quite literally help me soar – Ed & Colleen, Chris, Lisa, and Donna. I am grateful for the friendship and connection I share with my dear sister Tiana, who helps me manage the insanity of life on a regular basis. I am very grateful for my children, who, as they grow, continue to thrill me with their discoveries about life and the changing dynamics of our relationships. Finally, I am eternally grateful for the support, partnership, and friendship of my husband Dave. Not only do we have the incredible experience of being partners in life, parenting, and writing, but he consistently has faith in my ability to be successful in everything I do, which gives me the courage to take risk and truly live.  – Shadra Bruce

This year, I’m grateful for the same things that make me grateful every day of the year: My husband. My kids. My family. Good health. My job. My house. – Tiana Green

I am grateful that I have plenty. Plenty of fresh air to breathe, plenty of clean water to drink, plenty of food to feed my family, and plenty of love in my life. – Lisa Van de Graaff
I’m grateful for my family, both the one I was born into and the one that my husband and I have formed. I’m also grateful that my amazing sister puts up with me and my family, living with us and caring for my children as they grow exponentially more rambunctious and outspoken. I’m grateful for the love and traditions passed along by my parents and grandparents and the large extended family that has blessed us with great memories and strong bonds. – Elizabeth Sanchez
I’m not the same person I was ten years ago, and thank God for that. He sends me lessons every single day through people, experiences, and trials, and keeps sending them until I’ve got it mastered and am thoroughly ready to move on. Many of these lovely lessons I’d rather not be having while right in the thick of it, but in retrospect they were exactly what I needed. Never thought I’d say it, but looking back, I’m now grateful. These are the things that shape us. – Amy Larson
I’m glad to be a part of this great network/community. I’m most grateful for my family and friends. I’m also grateful for coffee, chocolate, and books. I hope to have more time for them in the coming year. – Veronica Ibarra