I have always had so much fun putting costumes together. I am not always really original but we always end up with some great costumes. It is such a fun holiday that everyone in the house looks forward to. It is fun to dress up and the kids always have a contest for who gets the most candy.

I try to prepare for this holiday a little bit at a time. With four children the cost can sometimes sneak up on us. So we have already begun talking about what costume everyone wants to wear. There is something that has changed this year though. Our children have gone from little kids to young people with definite opinions about what they want to wear. There will be no more Disney character costumes. The children are at an age now where they want to find the scariest most disgusting costumes possible! When did this happen? It seems like just last year that I had two infant “peas in a pod”. They were the cutest! I always wanted to put the twins in Raggedy Ann and Andy costumes but feared they would never forgive me. LOL

And so here we go, well on our way to entering another changing phase in their adolescence as our children are starting to grow up. Mom doesn’t get to pick the cute little princess costumes or the little puppy costumes anymore. It looks like this Halloween the children have their own ideas about dressing up. The scarier the costumes the better! Jason? Freddy? The Boogeyman? With a little guidance from dear old mom hopefully we can all be happy with the costume selections this year.