Delight Your Child with a Package from Santa

Delight Your Child with a Package from Santa

-sponsored- Getting Real with Shadra Bruce The work we do at MomsGetReal is really about helping moms, parents, and women have better lives. We do not make any money doing this – it is truly a work of passion.  But occasionally, we have the opportunity to review...
A Little Wine, Winc Winc

A Little Wine, Winc Winc

Getting Real with Shadra Bruce Winc is not like other wine-of-the-month clubs. It starts out with an online questionnaire, where they ask about your taste in coffee and dessert to help match you to the right wines. They use the six questions to help assess your unique...
6 Swimming Pool Safety Tips

6 Swimming Pool Safety Tips

Sponsored Post Getting Real with Shadra Bruce Parents are right to be concerned about pool safety for infants and toddlers. Drowning is the leading cause of accidental death in children ages one to four. This doesn’t mean parents have to cut out trips to the...