by Shadra Bruce | Love, Parenting, Teens and Tweens
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce Your anxieties are not your child’s problem. As mothers, we have worried about our children since conception, but it’s not fair to voice every one of those concerns. Doing so will transfer that stress to your children, and for what? Are...
by Shadra Bruce | Parenting, Teens and Tweens
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce When I was in high school, I worked 20-30 hours a week during the school year and full time in the summer. My husband did not work at all during high school. Our initial reaction to our children working during school was based on...
by Shadra Bruce | Parenting, Teens and Tweens, Toddlers
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce By the time our youngest daughter, Anika, was 3, she was a fashion queen. She was a confident and happy little girl who liked to make a statement. She wore hats—a baseball cap to the side, or a flowery concoction, or even a winter cap...
by Shadra Bruce | Adult Children, Parenting, Raising Healthy Kids, Teens and Tweens
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce During our oldest son’s junior year in high school, he decided to look into military service as an option after graduation. Reports of young men and women dying in service were on the news regularly. However, we had always tried to teach...
by Shadra Bruce | Kid Safety, Teens and Tweens
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce It’s really hard keeping teens safe online in today’s always-connected age. While I’d love to say I’m the perfect role model who has limited screen time, turns off the phone at night, and takes breaks, who are we...
by MomsGetReal Guest Contributor | Teens and Tweens
Getting Real with Buzz Parent In our last article, we talked about the importance of encouraging good posture for kids. This time, we follow that up with ideas to encourage teens to have better posture, especially when using electronics. 1. Provide the Right Setup...