by Shadra Bruce | Family, Making Memories
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce October is always an emotionally charged month for me on a very personal level. October is the sign that the seasons are changing. The leaves begin to change and fall and the days and nights get cooler. Although I do look forward to the...
by Shadra Bruce | Love, Making Memories
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce Today while I was sitting here working, there was a loud crash directly behind me and the sound of breaking glass. It was the shelf in my hutch that held all my pretty glass stuff. One of the shelf holders just fell out and the whole...
by Shadra Bruce | Crafts with Kids, Family, Making Memories
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce They’re already at the farmer’s markets and in the grocery stores, and if you have kids, it’s probably soon to be on your agenda to carve your Halloween pumpkin. Carving pumpkins is a favorite Halloween activity for all...
by Kira Hazledine | Making Memories, On Motherhood
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine I really like to capture pictures of my daughter and all the precious moments with her dad. I also like to take a few family selfies when we are out and about, to try and seal those memories into something that my daughter can look...
by Shadra Bruce | Family, Making Memories
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce I love music. I’m sitting here listening to “If You Believe” by Jim Brickman on my new Echo Dot. Yes, I’ve converted to a “go ahead and listen to my every conversation because I love the power I have to make...
by Brittany Tiedmann | Everything Baby, Making Memories, Parenting
Getting Real with Brittany Tiedmann This year will be the first Christmas with our new baby. Since we had her in October, my husband and I had agreed that because she is so small we wouldn’t do gifts for her this year. Now before you jump down my throat here let...