I’ve been grateful to Jennifer Proctor’s weekly doses of encourage that she has been contributing to the site. She’s right, you know, you CAN do it. It’s just a matter of finding the reason, the motivation, the WHY. For me, it’s the desire to be a better mom, to set the right example for my kids and be healthy enough to be around for them for a long time.

I’m no fitness expert, but I’ll tell you something: for last two weeks I’ve been exercising daily, and I feel great. The numbers on the scale aren’t changing, but my attitude is, and so is my clothing size. And I have a very special person to thank for helping me stay motivated: my 7-year old daughter, Anika.

Anika loves to exercise. She exercises in her room every day. She goes to ballet once a week and practices in her room at least three times a week. She even has her own set of dumbbells. We are definitely raising our kids to have habits I did not have as a child. A few weeks ago, I told Anika how proud I was of her for exercising so regularly and making it a part of her life, and I told her I wanted to do the same thing but that I always felt like I had trouble finding the time.

But Anika found my time: in the morning before she goes to school, I always spend time with her, putting work aside, postponing whatever is waiting to have time with her before she heads to second grade. We have about 45 minutes in the mornings. Now, we’re exercising together!

Anika is a born motivator. If I’m tired and would rather do anything but exercise, she grabs the Billy Banks Tae-Bo tape (our current favorite, although when we first pulled it off the shelf it had collected A LOT of dust) and pops it in and says, “Come on, Mom. We can do it!”

How can I resist that? How can I resist my little girl wanting me to be healthier? This little angel of mine has managed to break through all the barriers I’ve managed to put up around myself and has made it possible for me to literally begin the transformation I’ve longed for.

She’s tireless, and supportive, and wonderful. Seven years old or not, she is everything I’ve been looking for in a fitness guide. Rather than taking away from our special morning time together, it’s given us a closer bond.

Thanks, Anika!