Make Sure Your Child Is Visible in the Dark
No matter what the costume is that your child is wearing, reflective material or tape should be used to make sure your child is visible to other trick-or-treaters and especially to cars. It can be difficult to see little witches and vampires without it.
Speaking of Cars…
Hold your child’s hand and look both ways before crossing the street. This is a great time to practice safety and show your child that even when you’re having fun in the pursuit of candy, you can do so safely.
Check the Candy
Of course you’re going to taste-test the candy, but before you do that, you should also visibly inspect each piece and throw away any that look like they’ve been punctured or unwrapped. And no matter how nice it seems, ditch the homemade treats.
Lights On
Only visit homes that have their porch lights on. It’s the standard sign of participation. And most municipalities have implemented rules that require convicted child molesters to keep their porch lights off.
Phones Down
It’s dark and you may be wandering unfamiliar areas. Put your phone down and keep an eye on your kids. It’s far too easy for them to disappear, wander off, or get taken if you’re not paying attention.
Halloween is fun with a little one in the house again…but as exciting as it is, a little precautionary safety measures are always a good idea.